The beef trade remains firm, with demand continuing to exceed demand. Steers are moving on a base of €4.00/kg to €4.05/kg with a small number trading at the top of the market selling for 5c/kg higher. Heifers
The beef trade remains firm, with demand continuing to exceed demand. Steers are moving on a base of €4.00/kg to €4.05/kg with a small number trading at the top of the market selling for 5c/kg higher.
Heifers are highly sought after with a wide differential between cattle trading in low numbers or from large-scale finishers. Base prices start in a high percentage of cases at €4.10/kg, with a growing number trading on a base of €4.15/kg. Only small numbers are exceeding this price.
Cows are a good trade in direct factory sales and in marts. An even wider differential exists in the price range than with steers and heifers. P+3 grades are selling from €3.05/kg to €3.20/kg while fleshed O grades are selling from €3.20/kg to €3.35/kg in the main but 5c/kg to 10c/kg has been paid for large numbers in plants very active in the cow trade. R grading cows are moving from €3.35/kg to €3.50/kg, with U grades reaching a top of €3.60/kg to €3.65/kg.
The bull kill is averaging around 3,000 head for the last few weeks, with a high percentage now coming from specialised finishers. R grades are selling from €3.95/kg to €4.00/kg, with U grades from €4.00/kg to €4.10/kg. Deals for mixed lots of bulls where the majority are grading U are being completed in cases on a flat price of €4.00/kg.
The Northern trade also remains brisk, with supplies coming on stream failing to satisfy demand. Base quotes for U-3 steers and heifers range in the main from £3.46/kg to £3.50/kg or the equivalent of €4.29/kg to €4.34/kg at 85p to the euro and including VAT. Regular sellers are securing prices into the mid £3.50s while at the top of the market returns are rising to £3.60/kg.