The trade mission runs from Saturday 25 February to 3 March and takes in visits to farms, agribusinesses and retail outlets in Saudi Arabia and Dubai.

There are over 50 delegate on the trade mission with representatives from the Department of Agriculture and Bord Bia as well as some of the country’s most prominent food and agribusinesses.

The trade mission will be the first by Bord Bia’s news chief executive officer (CEO) Tara McCarthy since her appointment. McCarthy was announced as the CEO last October before taking up the role in January.

Almarai farm

The trade mission will also visit the Almarai dairy herd in the Saudia Arabian dessert. The farm milks 75,000 cows and produces 1bn litres of milk per year.

The Irish Farmers Journal visited the Almarai farm in 2013 and you can watch a video from the farm here.

The Irish Farmers Journal is participating on the trade mission and will be reporting live for and the Irish Farmers Journal news app each day on the trade mission.

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Irish butter exports to Iran soar in 2016