The Irish Farmers Journal has learned that as part of proposals suggested by the Department, cattle farmers would no longer be asked to contribute a 38c levy towards funding of the ICBF when buying ear tags.
Approved tag supplies would make an equivalent contribution based on the number of tags sold.
This is one of a number of solutions to ICBF's funding shortfall put to the three companies over recent weeks by the Department in discussions on the issue. If the proposal gets the cooperation of the three companies approved to sell tags, it will give ICBF increased certainty on funding. However, it would also likely see the price of ear tags increase for farmers.
The proposal was outlined to the three cattle tag providers (Mullinahone Co-op, Cormac Tagging and Datamars) recently by the Department of Agriculture.
At present, there is an opt-in scenario where cattle farmers can themselves decide whether or not to make a voluntary 38c per tag set contribution to the ICBF.
This voluntary contribution was established on 1 November last and has seen funding to the ICBF fall by as much as 33%. The 38c/animal levy contributes €850,000 annually.
Prior to 1 November, the order form, which was drawn up the Department, did not give farmers the option of easily opting-out paying the contribution.
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Empty BVD tags double on last year
The Irish Farmers Journal has learned that as part of proposals suggested by the Department, cattle farmers would no longer be asked to contribute a 38c levy towards funding of the ICBF when buying ear tags.
Approved tag supplies would make an equivalent contribution based on the number of tags sold.
This is one of a number of solutions to ICBF's funding shortfall put to the three companies over recent weeks by the Department in discussions on the issue. If the proposal gets the cooperation of the three companies approved to sell tags, it will give ICBF increased certainty on funding. However, it would also likely see the price of ear tags increase for farmers.
The proposal was outlined to the three cattle tag providers (Mullinahone Co-op, Cormac Tagging and Datamars) recently by the Department of Agriculture.
At present, there is an opt-in scenario where cattle farmers can themselves decide whether or not to make a voluntary 38c per tag set contribution to the ICBF.
This voluntary contribution was established on 1 November last and has seen funding to the ICBF fall by as much as 33%. The 38c/animal levy contributes €850,000 annually.
Prior to 1 November, the order form, which was drawn up the Department, did not give farmers the option of easily opting-out paying the contribution.
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Empty BVD tags double on last year