With nearly three weeks to go until the 15 October slurry spreading deadline, it is “premature” to consider an extension to the deadline, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has said.
A Department of Housing spokesperson said: “However, as is standard, the situation will be kept under review by both Departments [of Housing and Agriculture]”.
Given the heavy rain in recent weeks, and that more is forecast, farmers in parts of the country have had to house cattle earlier than expected.
The weather has also prevented farmers getting slurry out of tanks before the winter period.
The Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters Regulations 2014 gives legal effect in Ireland to the Nitrates Directive and to our Nitrates Action Programme (NAP).
Under the Water Framework Directive – the objective of which is to protect and improve the quality of Ireland’s natural waters – all member states are required to define set periods when the land application of fertiliser is not allowed.
The Department spokesperson continued: “Findings from the Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) operated by Teagasc support the current closed periods in Ireland.
“A key message from the research is that there are disproportionately high nutrient losses to waters from agriculture during the winter and the current closed period coincides with the time during which risks of incidental nutrient losses to water are highest.
“The closed season in Ireland commences from Sunday 15 October.
“The closed periods were decided following extensive public consultation and were discussed with farming bodies and the European Commission at the time.”
Nitrates Action Programme
The Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) was reviewed in 2010 and 2013, with the third review of the programme due to be completed by the end of 2017.
“Ireland is now at a critical juncture in the context of those negotiations with the European Commission.” the spokesperson added.
“A major priority for Ireland is the renewal of the Nitrates Derogation, which allows more intensive farms to operate at higher stocking rates and expires at the end of this year.
“In that context and with nearly three weeks to go until 15 October, it is premature to consider any actions outside this agreed framework.”
Read more
Healy calls for nitrates flexibility and lime scheme
’The winter has started’ – rain hits west and south hard
With nearly three weeks to go until the 15 October slurry spreading deadline, it is “premature” to consider an extension to the deadline, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government has said.
A Department of Housing spokesperson said: “However, as is standard, the situation will be kept under review by both Departments [of Housing and Agriculture]”.
Given the heavy rain in recent weeks, and that more is forecast, farmers in parts of the country have had to house cattle earlier than expected.
The weather has also prevented farmers getting slurry out of tanks before the winter period.
The Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters Regulations 2014 gives legal effect in Ireland to the Nitrates Directive and to our Nitrates Action Programme (NAP).
Under the Water Framework Directive – the objective of which is to protect and improve the quality of Ireland’s natural waters – all member states are required to define set periods when the land application of fertiliser is not allowed.
The Department spokesperson continued: “Findings from the Agricultural Catchments Programme (ACP) operated by Teagasc support the current closed periods in Ireland.
“A key message from the research is that there are disproportionately high nutrient losses to waters from agriculture during the winter and the current closed period coincides with the time during which risks of incidental nutrient losses to water are highest.
“The closed season in Ireland commences from Sunday 15 October.
“The closed periods were decided following extensive public consultation and were discussed with farming bodies and the European Commission at the time.”
Nitrates Action Programme
The Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) was reviewed in 2010 and 2013, with the third review of the programme due to be completed by the end of 2017.
“Ireland is now at a critical juncture in the context of those negotiations with the European Commission.” the spokesperson added.
“A major priority for Ireland is the renewal of the Nitrates Derogation, which allows more intensive farms to operate at higher stocking rates and expires at the end of this year.
“In that context and with nearly three weeks to go until 15 October, it is premature to consider any actions outside this agreed framework.”
Read more
Healy calls for nitrates flexibility and lime scheme
’The winter has started’ – rain hits west and south hard