The initiative was set up, similar to the Milk Market Observatory, to improve market transparency for the sectors and to help stakeholders examine market trends in order to prevent buoyancy in the industry.

The observatory will operate via a website; containing information on prices, statistics, trading and production, and will be managed by an economic board represented by experts from the three sectors.

Current prices

Market trends and results obtained from the observatory have already shown the following information:

  • EU beef prices this week are at an average of €3.565/kg. This is 0.6% down on last week’s prices, 1.9% lower than last month and a reduction of 7.2% on prices from 2015.
  • While prices for beef are falling continuously, pigmeat prices have been at an average of €1.619/kg for this week. This is up 1.5% on last week’s prices, a 7.9% jump on last month’s prices and, overall, a 9.9% increase on figures from the year before.
  • I want the EU meat sector to have a similar strong support system. I believe our meat products are the finest and safest in the world and their export value is already huge, with great potential for further growth.

    The Milk Market Observatory was founded in 2014 and since then has proved an important tool in the dairy chain, relaying all relevant information to those involved in the industry. Commissioner Hogan hopes that the Meat Market Observatory will be just as successful as its dairy counterpart.

    "I want the EU meat sector to have a similar strong support system. I believe our meat products are the finest and safest in the world and their export value is already huge, with great potential for further growth," Commissioner Hogan said.

    The Meat Market Observatory’s website can be found here

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