The aim is to assist growers most affected by the bad weather during last September’s harvest.
The €1.5m crop loss support measure agreed between the Department of Agriculture and the IFA is now open for applications.
Are you eligible and how do you apply?
There are multiple criteria you need pass before becoming eligible for the scheme. The following will give farmers what they need to know regarding the support measure.
Applications must be submitted by four weeks from launch – by 25 August.Financial aid will only be paid in respect of losses relating to off-farm sales. Incidental on-farm use of up to 20% of the harvested crop will not affect eligibility for payment.Financial aid will only be payable in respect of crop loss relating to spring wheat, barley oats and oilseed rape. Winter barely is not included.Farmers who lost over 50% of their crop will be eligible for compensation of €300/ha up to 35ha – a total of €10,500.Farmers who lost between 30% and 50% of their crop will receive €200/ha up to 35/ha, or €7,000. Losses are referenced by the previous three years (2013, 2014 and 2015). Relative years
Under the terms of the scheme, aid can only be paid in cases where there is a 30% or greater reduction in commercial sales by tonnage of eligible crops at standard moisture content in 2016 compared to the preceding three years.Financial loss must be verified and supported by documentation from the applicant’s accountant or financial adviser.Only losses not covered by an applicant’s insurance are eligible.All such losses must clearly and demonstrably have arisen as a direct consequence of the weather damage in September 2016.Over subscription will lead to reduced payments
In the event of eligible applications in excess of the total budget available for the measure being received, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will implement reduced payments on a linear basis as appropriate.![](
Additional information
Applicants may be required to supply any additional information or documentation that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine may request. Such documentation may be required in order to underpin the verification of any eligible loss.On-farm verification
All applications may be subject to on-farm verification by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or an agent working on behalf of the Department. This verification will include an assessment of the details of losses outlined on this application form.The details provided on this form may also be subject to verification via administrative checks by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Such administrative checks may include examination of all supporting documentation provided in support of the claim as well as the standard pre- and post-payment checks on all elements of the application.All payments will be subject to the EU rules regarding de minimis aid.No aid will be payable in respect of applications where the total area of eligible crops declared on the applicant’s 2016 BPS application is less than three hectares of eligible crops.Maximum
There is a maximum amount of aid payable. The maximum amount payable will be in respect of 35 hectares.Proven detail
All claims for support must be accompanied by verifiable detail in relation to the loss suffered. In this regard, applicants must fill out all the details required in the application form attached and provide all the relevant supporting documentation required.Application of the Terms and Conditions are at the discretion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Valid applications must meet the objectives of the scheme to qualify for payment.Signed declaration
All applications must include the signed declaration of the applicant that the details provided are complete and true and that an eligible loss has been incurred on foot of the rainfall in September 2016. Read More
Full coverage: tillage crisis fund
The aim is to assist growers most affected by the bad weather during last September’s harvest.
The €1.5m crop loss support measure agreed between the Department of Agriculture and the IFA is now open for applications.
Are you eligible and how do you apply?
There are multiple criteria you need pass before becoming eligible for the scheme. The following will give farmers what they need to know regarding the support measure.
Applications must be submitted by four weeks from launch – by 25 August.Financial aid will only be paid in respect of losses relating to off-farm sales. Incidental on-farm use of up to 20% of the harvested crop will not affect eligibility for payment.Financial aid will only be payable in respect of crop loss relating to spring wheat, barley oats and oilseed rape. Winter barely is not included.Farmers who lost over 50% of their crop will be eligible for compensation of €300/ha up to 35ha – a total of €10,500.Farmers who lost between 30% and 50% of their crop will receive €200/ha up to 35/ha, or €7,000. Losses are referenced by the previous three years (2013, 2014 and 2015). Relative years
Under the terms of the scheme, aid can only be paid in cases where there is a 30% or greater reduction in commercial sales by tonnage of eligible crops at standard moisture content in 2016 compared to the preceding three years.Financial loss must be verified and supported by documentation from the applicant’s accountant or financial adviser.Only losses not covered by an applicant’s insurance are eligible.All such losses must clearly and demonstrably have arisen as a direct consequence of the weather damage in September 2016.Over subscription will lead to reduced payments
In the event of eligible applications in excess of the total budget available for the measure being received, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine will implement reduced payments on a linear basis as appropriate.![](
Additional information
Applicants may be required to supply any additional information or documentation that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine may request. Such documentation may be required in order to underpin the verification of any eligible loss.On-farm verification
All applications may be subject to on-farm verification by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or an agent working on behalf of the Department. This verification will include an assessment of the details of losses outlined on this application form.The details provided on this form may also be subject to verification via administrative checks by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Such administrative checks may include examination of all supporting documentation provided in support of the claim as well as the standard pre- and post-payment checks on all elements of the application.All payments will be subject to the EU rules regarding de minimis aid.No aid will be payable in respect of applications where the total area of eligible crops declared on the applicant’s 2016 BPS application is less than three hectares of eligible crops.Maximum
There is a maximum amount of aid payable. The maximum amount payable will be in respect of 35 hectares.Proven detail
All claims for support must be accompanied by verifiable detail in relation to the loss suffered. In this regard, applicants must fill out all the details required in the application form attached and provide all the relevant supporting documentation required.Application of the Terms and Conditions are at the discretion of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Valid applications must meet the objectives of the scheme to qualify for payment.Signed declaration
All applications must include the signed declaration of the applicant that the details provided are complete and true and that an eligible loss has been incurred on foot of the rainfall in September 2016. Read More
Full coverage: tillage crisis fund