Donie Howard, Kilcorney Branch IFA
DEAR SIR: On 8 January 2009, at the annual general meeting of IFA, Padraig Walshe, then president, announced that Pat Smith was to be appointed general secretary of IFA.
He said: “Mr Smith has shown outstanding commitment and energy during his time in the association and is well equipped to provide the leadership required into the future.
“His exceptional record in increasing membership and strengthening the resources of IFA has been critical to the success of the organisation.”
It now transpires that Pat Smith was the right man appointed to the wrong job.
It is therefore regrettable that he has been treated like some overpriced commodity in the media since his decision to resign, but then, this is Ireland where we have a begrudging attitude to successful individuals who happen to be well paid.
The agreement that Eddie Downey made with Pat Smith should be honoured and IFA should get back to the business of looking after its membership and everyone else should mind their own business.