In 2015, they were milking 150 cows and total milk sales to Barryroe Co-op were 817,00 litres. Cow numbers have increased to 158 milking cows in 2016. Thomas is a member of the Clonakilty, Shinagh and Carbery Discussion Groups.

The Griffins farm over 57ha (141 acres) in total, with all 57ha available for milking cows around the parlour and over 70% of the land block is owned.

Thomas is clear on his policy: “Converting green grass to milk as efficiently as possible.” Technically, Thomas likes detail and has a keen interest in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. He is part of the Carbery Greener project that measures energy and water usage on farms.

Thomas milks in an 18-unit herringbone. Like a lot of other dairy farms, the parlour has grown from a six to eight to 14 up to 18 units in 2012 when automatic cluster removers were also installed. Other equipment also includes a plate cooler and automatic plant washer. A big advocate for energy capture, Thomas has solar panels and thermodynamic panels with night-rate electricity to try and keep energy usage for heating water to a minimum.

Unusually, if Thomas thought there was a cow with mastitis in the herd or if he got a result back from the co-op with a high somatic cell count, he would use the CMT paddle kit ahead of the milker to try and identify the culprit. He is a big fan of the CMT paddle and thinks the co-ops should be giving them out free to suppliers. Every fresh-calving cow is tested with the paddle before milk goes into bulk tank.

This year, Thomas bought a slurry tanker with a trailing shoe to reduce emissions when spreading. He said the trailing shoe equipment also allows him spread on paddocks where there is grass growing without spoiling the grass too much.

I questioned was he taking on a lot of machinery work and his justification for the purchase was from a biosecurity point of view.

He wanted to be in control of timing of application and keeping other diseases that potentially could travel in slurry equipment from farm to farm.


  • Farming system: in 2015 the Griffin family milked 150 cows delivering 817,000 litres to Barryroe Co-op in a spring calving production system. In total the Griffins are farming 57ha (141 acres). Milk fat averaged 4.35% and protein percentage averaged 3.65% in 2015.
  • Parlour: 18-unit herringbone.
  • SCC results: Average 93,000 for 2015.
  • TBC results: average 8,000 for 2015.
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