Click on the images below to download full-size plans.

  • Description:
  • Eight straw-bedded pens, central feed passage, roughage fed from central passage, meal fed from central passage and walk-through troughs.

  • Pen area:
  • 4.4m (average length) x 4.7m = 20.68m2.

  • Lying space/ewe:
  • 1.1m2/ewe (mature unshorn ewes).

  • Pen capacity:
  • 18 or 19 ewes.

  • Shed capacity:
  • 148 ewes (up to 20% more if winter shorn).

  • Roughage feed space:
  • 4.4m feed space at 0.2m/ewe = 22 feed spaces/pen.

  • Meal feed space/pen:
  • 4.7m + 4.4m @ 0.45m/ewe = 20 feed spaces/pen.

  • Ventilation:
  • Vented sheeting or spaced boarding for air inlets. In addition, a continuous opening and overhang is shown, although not mandatory unless internal shed width is over 15m. Air outlet is via a standard raised ridge cap as shown on drawings.

  • Costs:
  • Average cost per ewe before grant, capital allowances and interest relief and after VAT is €285. Average cost per m2 of internal area, before grant, capital allowances and interest relief and excluding VAT is €160. Based on DAFM reference costs.

  • DAFM specifications:
  • Refer to S146, S101, S102 and S123.

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    Special focus: planning for TAMS II and FBIS grants