Tuesday last saw the first sheep sale of 2017 take place at Tullow Mart. With many farmers only getting back into work mode after the holiday season, the sale was small, but the trade was firm.
Mart manager Eric Driver said that the sale saw a similar trade to what was there before the Christmas break and sellers were happy with the trade on the day as a result.
There was strong demand once again for butcher-types and heavy hoggets. Prices ranged mainly from €102 to €108/head for these types, with one top-quality pen of 52kg hoggets making €106 (€2.04/kg).
Lighter factory hoggets were a firm trade on where they finished before Christmas. Factory agents were active and prices ranged mainly from €99 to €105 as a result.
The best price in that category was a group of 47kg ewe hoggets which sold for €103 each (€2.19/kg).
Demand for stores continues to be firm with plenty of buyers still active. Store hoggets from 35kg to 45kg sold mainly from €75 to €94/head, with prices in the main ranging from €80 to €85/head.
Demand for cast ewes was firm also. Eric said that cast ewes sold from their weight to €10 with the kilo for feeding types. Heavy cast ewes carrying flesh sold up to €105 on the day.
In-lamb ewes scanned carrying 1.95 lambs sold to a top price of €175/head. Sales will continue on Tuesday next with an entry of 70 in-lamb ewes at noon.