I farm: “My wife Carol and I farm 30ac in Portacarron, Oughterard, Co Galway. We keep 50 ewes, 16 Suffolk and 34 Mule, with Suffolk rams. We also keep a couple of horses for recreational show jumping.”

Off-farm income: “We are farming part-time and I run a gym in Kilannin called 220 Fitness. I taught in CAFRE Enniskillen for 15 years and managed the racing unit there. I used to ride over fences and box internationally so fitness has always been a priority for me. We had 50 people at circuit training last night and 84 people at a yoga class recently.”

Juggling: “It can be difficult to juggle everything in spring, when gym classes are in high demand and you’ve got ewes lambing. The ewes tend to lamb down at the same time as I’m teaching classes – early morning and late evening.”

Lambing: “They are all lambed down now, most of them within a fortnight. We got 1.8 lambs/ewe.”

An unusual lamb: “On Friday night I had a lamb born with six legs. She has an extra front leg and an extra hind leg on one side, both just behind her front shoulder.”

Hindrance: “Neither of the extra legs fully reach the ground; they are more of a hindrance than a help to her. I’ve seen the hind leg move. I wouldn’t say she has total control over it but she can consciously move it.”

Helping hand: “She was very weak at the start so I took milk from the ewe and fed her from the bottle to get her strength up. At the start I had to help her get up but most of the time now she’ll get up as I walk towards her.”

Vet’s opinion: “I rang my vet, Karel Verbruggen, to ask what I should do. He said she was just a freak of nature but if all was healthy looking, just look after her.”

Family: “We have two children, Taylor (4) and Jack (2). They’re both into farming and horses.”

Quotable quote: “I’ll have to move the lamb into the field beside the house, there’s that much interest in her.”