Numbers are dropping, but have held well into May so far. The past week has seen a slight increase in the volume of plainer cattle at marts, which is having a negative effect on prices of store bullocks and heifers. However, where good-quality types are on offer, the trade has remained firm.
Fleshed and heavy bullocks and heifers are steady, backed by firm factory agent and feeder demand.
Grass buyers continue to be active for all types of store bullocks and heifers.
Further south, Friesian cattle continue to be a good trade, although numbers have increased slightly in some areas.
The weanling trade has seen yet another slight increase in prices, driven by export demand for light types in the case of bulls and strong grass buyer demand in the case of heifers.
The best trade continues to be for good-quality continental types. Demand for calved cows is steady, with all good-quality young cow and calf outfits making from €1,600 to €1,800.
Heavy bullocks over 600kg are in short supply and prices are steady in the main. However, the quality on offer is not as strong as it was a few weeks ago. Forward stores over 500kg are making from €2.10/kg to €2.30/kg, or €1,210 on average, with U grades making over €1,400, or €850 along with the weight. Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg are met with firm grass buyer demand. Prices are steady and supply is good thus far. The average 450kg bullock is making €1,035, with better-quality types making from €1,150 to €1,200.
Forward heifers over 600kg are now very scarce. Where good-quality types are on offer, prices of €1,400 to €1,450 are common. Forward store heifers are making €2.26/kg on average, €15 to €20/head more than the same time last year. Plainer types are making around €2.00/kg. Where Angus and Herefords are on offer, specialist finishers are snapping these up. Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg are met with firm farmer demand. Prices are ranging mainly from €1,035 to €1,200, with plain types making just under €2.00/kg.
Demand for weanlings is very strong. Exporters are very active for bulls under 300kg and are raising the trade in many areas. Those from 250kg to 300kg are selling from €2.60/kg to €2.70/kg for average-quality lots and up to €3.20/kg for top-quality calves in some areas. The average 300kg bull is making €2.40/kg or €840/head. Prices are running just slightly above the same period in 2016. The weanling heifer trade is solid also. The average 350kg heifer is making from €750 for plain types to €860 for average-quality lots.
Store cattle in demand at Clogher Mart
Calf prices hold as numbers plummet
Fleshed and forward stores in demand at Carnaross mart
Steady trade continues at Roscrea mart
A guide to special and upcoming sales in the marts in the coming weeks.