Fresh figures released by the Garda Crime Prevention National Centre of Excellence today show that as of April 2017, a total of 1,085 Text Alert schemes exist around the country, including 191,181 individual subscribers.
This compares to 80,000 subscribers that were registered in April 2014.
The increasing popularity of the scheme is the result of a concerted drive by An Garda Síochána to raise awareness of text alert service, which was set up in conjunction with Muintir na Tíre and Neighbourhood Watch.
The highest number of subscribers are in Tipperary (21,540), followed by Kilkenny-Carlow (15,026), and Roscommon-Longford (13,939).
In Dublin there are 79 schemes operating, with 7,990 subscribers.
Highest number of text alert subscribers
Under the Text Alert service, subscribers sign up through community schemes receive alerts from Gardai advising them of suspicious or criminal activity in their local area. It also supports existing Community Crime Prevention Programmes.
One successful outcome involved an elderly person with dementia who went missing in Dublin. They were located after a text alert appealing to the local community for help was activated by Gardaí.
Sergeant Amanda Flood of the Garda Crime Prevention National Centre of Excellence, said: "The Text Alert scheme has grown from strength to strength over the past three years as more communities appreciate the value of setting up a scheme in their local area.
“In 2014, there were 80,000 subscribers. This grew to 130,000 the following year and now we are just shy of 200,000 subscribers, which really is a testament to the effectiveness of the service.
"The feedback we are getting on the ground is that it has a reassuring effect on local people who know they will be informed by text if suspicious activity is detected locally. It gives people a sense of ownership over the safety of their local community.”
Tackling crime in rural areas
Sergeant Flood said that An Garda Síochána’s close relationship with communities and the support we get from them is vital in preventing and tackling crime, particularly in rural areas.
“We can achieve greater results by working in partnership with the community. The Text Alert scheme, which was introduced by An Garda Síochána in co-operation with Muintir na Tíre, Neighbourhood Watch and the Irish Farmers Association, is an excellent example of this.”
Niall Garvey, CEO of Muintir na Tíre, said: "Text Alert has been a vital tool for Community Alert groups preventing crime in their areas.
“It is an effective and efficient communication system but it is much more – if implemented properly it brings community groups together. It is that coming together that protects the community and particularly the vulnerable members.
“We look forward to continuing our partnership with An Garda Síochána in the delivery of Community Alert and Text Alert.”
Fall in burglary rates
Patrick Walsh of Neighbourhood Watch added: "The effectiveness of the Text Alert scheme has rejuvenated many of our Neighbourhood Watch groups, and its success has been proven by the fall in burglary rates. It has been an extremely successful scheme to date.”
Leitrim farmer appeals for information on €4,000 stolen ponies
Farmer's car stolen while he was counting cattle
Fresh figures released by the Garda Crime Prevention National Centre of Excellence today show that as of April 2017, a total of 1,085 Text Alert schemes exist around the country, including 191,181 individual subscribers.
This compares to 80,000 subscribers that were registered in April 2014.
The increasing popularity of the scheme is the result of a concerted drive by An Garda Síochána to raise awareness of text alert service, which was set up in conjunction with Muintir na Tíre and Neighbourhood Watch.
The highest number of subscribers are in Tipperary (21,540), followed by Kilkenny-Carlow (15,026), and Roscommon-Longford (13,939).
In Dublin there are 79 schemes operating, with 7,990 subscribers.
Highest number of text alert subscribers
Under the Text Alert service, subscribers sign up through community schemes receive alerts from Gardai advising them of suspicious or criminal activity in their local area. It also supports existing Community Crime Prevention Programmes.
One successful outcome involved an elderly person with dementia who went missing in Dublin. They were located after a text alert appealing to the local community for help was activated by Gardaí.
Sergeant Amanda Flood of the Garda Crime Prevention National Centre of Excellence, said: "The Text Alert scheme has grown from strength to strength over the past three years as more communities appreciate the value of setting up a scheme in their local area.
“In 2014, there were 80,000 subscribers. This grew to 130,000 the following year and now we are just shy of 200,000 subscribers, which really is a testament to the effectiveness of the service.
"The feedback we are getting on the ground is that it has a reassuring effect on local people who know they will be informed by text if suspicious activity is detected locally. It gives people a sense of ownership over the safety of their local community.”
Tackling crime in rural areas
Sergeant Flood said that An Garda Síochána’s close relationship with communities and the support we get from them is vital in preventing and tackling crime, particularly in rural areas.
“We can achieve greater results by working in partnership with the community. The Text Alert scheme, which was introduced by An Garda Síochána in co-operation with Muintir na Tíre, Neighbourhood Watch and the Irish Farmers Association, is an excellent example of this.”
Niall Garvey, CEO of Muintir na Tíre, said: "Text Alert has been a vital tool for Community Alert groups preventing crime in their areas.
“It is an effective and efficient communication system but it is much more – if implemented properly it brings community groups together. It is that coming together that protects the community and particularly the vulnerable members.
“We look forward to continuing our partnership with An Garda Síochána in the delivery of Community Alert and Text Alert.”
Fall in burglary rates
Patrick Walsh of Neighbourhood Watch added: "The effectiveness of the Text Alert scheme has rejuvenated many of our Neighbourhood Watch groups, and its success has been proven by the fall in burglary rates. It has been an extremely successful scheme to date.”
Leitrim farmer appeals for information on €4,000 stolen ponies
Farmer's car stolen while he was counting cattle