Saturday’s sale at Carnew Mart saw over 1,000 cattle on offer, which is a large sale for the time of year. Mart manager David Quinn said that while numbers were large, the trade was quite strong. Of the 1,000 head entered, there were about 800 cattle on offer.
Saturday’s sale at Carnew Mart saw over 1,000 cattle on offer, which is a large sale for the time of year.
Mart manager David Quinn said that while numbers were large, the trade was quite strong. Of the 1,000 head entered, there were about 800 cattle on offer.
David said that the trade for bullocks was very good, with better-quality types in particular being quite expensive.
Heavy bullocks over 600kg sold from €2.00/kg to €2.15/kg, with plainer types and Friesians making from €1.70/kg to €1.85/kg. One 770kg steer made €1,050 over the weight.
Stores were a stronger trade, with good-quality forward types from 500kg to 600kg selling mainly from €2.00/kg to €2.10/kg, with U grades making over €2.30/kg or over €720 along with the weight.
There were plenty of buyers present for lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg. These sold mainly from €500 to €600 along with the weight, with top quality types making from €600 to €700 along with the weight.
Heifers from 500kg to 600kg sold mainly from €500 to €600 along with the weight, with better-quality types making from €600 to €700 over and the very tops making up to €800 over the weight.
Lighter stores from 400kg to 500kg were a good solid trade, with the majority of average-quality types selling from €2.00/kg to €2.10/kg, while the top third sold from €2.20/kg to €2.30/kg.
Plainer types continued to be a hard sell and prices ranged mainly from €1.80/kg upwards.
Saturday’s sale saw a special entry of suckler cows with calves at foot. The quality of cow and calf on offer was very high, according to David, and that was reflected in the prices.
The average of cows with calves at foot was about €2,300, with prices ranging from €1,800 to €2,670.
There were a few dairy lots on offer, but the cows were mostly late-calved ones, calving again in May/June.
Prices for these ranged from €750 to €1,000, but, in general, good-quality dairy cows are selling for €1,300 to €1,600.
Maiden heifers on Saturday last sold from €650 to €850/head.
Commission rates are 1.5% to the seller and €10 to the buyer.