In stronger suckler areas, there are widespread reports of good weanling sales. MartWatch figures show that the average 350kg weanling bull sold for €830/head last week, up €25/head on the same week last year.
In stronger suckler areas, there are widespread reports of good weanling sales.
MartWatch figures show that the average 350kg weanling bull sold for €830/head last week, up €25/head on the same week last year.
In the case of weanling heifers, prices are up by €10/head to €20/head on the same week last year. While the prices paid for store heifers are on par with last year, forward store bullock prices are up by €25 to €50/hd in some cases.
The buoyant trade can only be seen in the case of good-quality continental-bred cattle. There are widespread reports of plainer quality stores and weanlings being met with a difficult trade.
Dairy-derived Angus and Hereford cattle are seeing prices run at about 10c/kg or €40 to €50/hd behind the same time last year.
In some cases, light Angus weanlings from 320kg to 360kg are being sold at prices not far ahead of those paid for the equivalent Friesian.
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BPS money benefiting trade
Good-quality suckler cows in demand
Good-quality suckler cows in demand