While the trade for all good-quality cattle has continued to be slightly improved, plain-quality cattle are continuing to be slower to sell than continental-bred stock. The improved farmer activity
from the rollout of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) money has benefited the trade for all types including weanlings, stores and suckler cows.
While the trade for all good-quality cattle has continued to be slightly improved, plain-quality cattle are continuing to be slower to sell than continental-bred stock.
The improved farmer activity from the rollout of the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) money has benefited the trade for all types including weanlings, stores and suckler cows.
There are some reports of renewed exporter activity for weanling heifers also, which is helping to place a firm floor under prices.
Light weanling bulls are, if anything, a touch easier, but this is mainly due to the lack of exporter demand for these.
The trade of light weanling bulls is driven by farmer buyers. Feedlots continue to be actively sourcing bullocks, heifers and bulls suitable for finishing.
In some areas, mart managers are reporting a very strong trade for all good-quality heavy bulls, but the numbers of these on offer is reducing.
Demand for bullocks has increased slightly.
Some mart managers have said that the quality on offer has improved slightly in line with fewer plain-quality cattle coming to the fore.
Forward stores have seen prices improve by up to €15 to €20/head in some areas and lighter types have followed a similar trend. The average 550kg steer sold for €1,140, while the average 450kg steer made €940.
The heifer trade has held firm.
Demand for heifers is not quite as strong as demand for the equivalent steer in some parts of the country, but, overall, prices are on par. The average 550kg heifer sold for €1,130, while U grades made a premium of €130/head on this.
Lighter store heifers saw prices improve slightly and prices are back on par with the same time last year. The average 450kg heifer sold for €945 in the past week.
Farmer demand for weanlings has improved. The best demand is for Charolais and Limousin types, with traditional breeds following behind.
The average 350kg bull is selling for €830, with top-quality types making over €970/head. Equivalent-weight heifer weanlings are making from €780 for average types to €910 for the top third. Lighter weanlings have eased slightly again due to a lack of exporter demand.
The average 280kg weanling bull is making €710/head.
Read more
Good-quality suckler cows in demand
Weanling prices up €20 to €50/head on last year
Plenty of buyers for quality cattle at Balla
Upcoming sales in the marts