With 850 lambs born to 330 ewes, Co Offaly farmers Ken and Richard Mathews have one of the highest prolificacy flocks in Ireland.

Darren Carty went to see it with his own eyes.

More lambing 2017 – this time on UCD’s Lyons research farm, where it was all hands on deck in March.

What if any of these newborn lambs fails to feed? Peter Varley asked vet John Nugent to demonstrate stomach tubing.

In April, Darren Carty visited Co Westmeath farmer John Bell, who had entirely transformed his grazing system.

One of the many sheep housing options we filmed this year was a simple conversion of a former silage pit in Co Tipperary – topped with a polytunnel.

Finally, we take a look back at a six-legged lamb born alive and well on a Co Galway farm this spring.

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