With a proposed cut of 5% to the next CAP budget, Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association president Colm O’Donnell expressed concern that smaller farmers who “are the lifeblood of our rural communities" will see further cuts to their incomes.

“I am calling on Minister Creed to commit to a front-loaded payment model as outlined by the INHFA in our submission on CAP," he said. This means allocating higher payments to the first hectares on every farm, which proportionally favours smaller holdings.

O’Donnell added: “We are once again seeing a cut to the budget and while Brexit is a factor, we also need to recognise that the European tax payers who are funding CAP don’t see the need to support intensive food production.”

O’Donnell stressed the need to listen to the public who are voting towards a cleaner environment.

“The European public and their representatives are willing to support measures that mitigate against climate change, improve on environmental outcomes and protect habitats. These public good measures will be the future of CAP.”

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INHFA call for extra funding for hill flocks