Only in the last week has the grass growth rate in Greenfield Farm in Kilkenny exceeded demand. After consecutive average growth rates in the mid 30s for the last two weeks, the measurement this weekend shows a growth rate of 57kg per day for the last six days. Finally, the winter-type diet can be pulled back to allow more grazed grass in the diet.

More meal will have to be ordered as 10kg per cow per day has been fed up to now. Thankfully grass growth rates have improved in the last week.

On Sunday morning, 5kg of meal, 1kg of silage dry matter and 1kg of hay (7kg DM/cow) was fed out around the perimeter of the paddock. The plan was to do the same on Sunday evening. So every day a total of 13kg to 14kg of dry matter per cow per day of supplement has been fed out with an allocation of 4kg to 5kg of grass dry matter per cow per day to allow the farm a chance to grow.

The grass growth rate has allowed all those paddocks that were stuck at covers of 300kg to 500kg a chance to hit for 900kg and 1,000kg pre-grazing

It was necessary and has worked perfectly to allow the farm a chance to fill up with grass. Finally, the grass growth rate has allowed all those paddocks that were stuck at covers of 300kg to 500kg a chance to hit for 900kg and 1,000kg pre-grazing and get close to normal pre-grazing covers.


Mid-September and finally the feed tap can be turned back. Farm manager David Fogarty will cut the supplement to once per day (6kg to 7kg /cow/day) and will do another farm cover next Thursday or Friday and then make a plan for the next week.

The first batch of not-in-calf cows have been sold so the farm stocking rate is now back to 293 cows milking on 121ha. This lower stocking rate will also help more grass to be grown and stored from now on. The last of the bag nitrogen will be spread Monday or Tuesday.

The last milk test (14 September) shows a result of about 1.67kg of milk solids per cow (17kg to 18kg per cow at 4.15% protein, 4.93% fat). Cell count is at 130 SCC, 8 TBC and 4.84% lactose.

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