The European Parliament has called for full enforcement of the 2007 Broilers Directive which lays down minimum EU standards for the protection of chickens kept for meat production. Just two-thirds of Member States have properly implemented the EU rules.
In a non-legislative resolution voted on this Thursday, MEPs called for:
1. Proper implementation of existing EU standards for protection of broilers.
2. Promotion of alternative rearing systems with higher animal welfare.
3. Better controls on imported poultry meat and enhanced transparency.
The Parliament also wants mandatory labelling of the origin of imported meat in EU processed products in the retail, catering and food services and calls on the Commission to come up with a legislative proposal to this end.
The poultry sector, which includes roughly 23,000 large farms, employs over a quarter of a million people in Europe
MEPs also suggest introducing an EU method of production marking of broiler chickens that would be similar to the existing one for eggs.
The resolution was approved by 409 votes in favour to 19 against and two abstentions.
The EU produces approximately 7bn broilers per year. The poultry sector, which includes roughly 23,000 large farms, employs over a quarter of a million people in Europe.
The latest special Eurobarometer on animal welfare shows that more than 50% of EU citizens look for information on the production method when buying animal products.
More than 80 % of EU citizens want the welfare of farmed animals to be enhanced.
Around 25 % of the breast poultry meat consumed in the EU is imported from non-EU countries with less-strict legislation on animal welfare.
Most of this meat is used in food services or food processing where mandatory meat labelling does not apply.
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EU rules to prevent antibiotics from being used as growth promoters
The European Parliament has called for full enforcement of the 2007 Broilers Directive which lays down minimum EU standards for the protection of chickens kept for meat production. Just two-thirds of Member States have properly implemented the EU rules.
In a non-legislative resolution voted on this Thursday, MEPs called for:
1. Proper implementation of existing EU standards for protection of broilers.
2. Promotion of alternative rearing systems with higher animal welfare.
3. Better controls on imported poultry meat and enhanced transparency.
The Parliament also wants mandatory labelling of the origin of imported meat in EU processed products in the retail, catering and food services and calls on the Commission to come up with a legislative proposal to this end.
The poultry sector, which includes roughly 23,000 large farms, employs over a quarter of a million people in Europe
MEPs also suggest introducing an EU method of production marking of broiler chickens that would be similar to the existing one for eggs.
The resolution was approved by 409 votes in favour to 19 against and two abstentions.
The EU produces approximately 7bn broilers per year. The poultry sector, which includes roughly 23,000 large farms, employs over a quarter of a million people in Europe.
The latest special Eurobarometer on animal welfare shows that more than 50% of EU citizens look for information on the production method when buying animal products.
More than 80 % of EU citizens want the welfare of farmed animals to be enhanced.
Around 25 % of the breast poultry meat consumed in the EU is imported from non-EU countries with less-strict legislation on animal welfare.
Most of this meat is used in food services or food processing where mandatory meat labelling does not apply.
Read more
EU rules to prevent antibiotics from being used as growth promoters