This week’s Irish Farmers Journal podcast asked visiting members of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) what the main farming news story was in their countries at the moment.
Drought impact in Sweden, elections in the US were unsurprising answers... And in Canada? “We’re the second country in the world to legalise marijuana, so now farmers are trying to figure out how they can take advantage of this legalised commodity,” said IFAJ president Owen Roberts.
Listen to "Foreign farming journalists visit Ireland" on Spreaker.
This week’s Irish Farmers Journal podcast asked visiting members of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) what the main farming news story was in their countries at the moment.
Drought impact in Sweden, elections in the US were unsurprising answers... And in Canada? “We’re the second country in the world to legalise marijuana, so now farmers are trying to figure out how they can take advantage of this legalised commodity,” said IFAJ president Owen Roberts.
Listen to "Foreign farming journalists visit Ireland" on Spreaker.