Some 210 cattle and a substantial number of cattle tags were reported stolen from a farm in south Co Meath, late last year, the Irish Farmers Journal can reveal.

In late October the farmer, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported to the Gardaí that a large number of cattle tags had been stolen from his jeep.

A number of weeks later, he told Gardaí that during a TB test, he noticed that the 210 cattle had been stolen too.

Gardaí told the Irish Farmers Journal that the farmer believes cattle were stolen over a number of weeks up to November 2018.

The farmer has between 600 and 700 cattle, of all ages, weights and breeds, it is understood.

The Gardaí are investigating the theft of both the cattle and the cattle tags.

The theft could potentially be the biggest livestock theft in the history of the state.

A spokesperson from the Department of Agriculture told the Irish Farmers Journal: “The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine confirms that 210 cattle were reported stolen from one herd keeper in Co Meath in November 2018. The matter is being investigated by An Garda Síochána”.

Outside of this theft, some 140 cattle were reported stolen across Ireland in 2018.

Read more

Map: almost 140 cattle stolen in 2018

Heifers stolen from Tyrone field