Proposed cuts to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget have been branded as scandalous by Sinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy.

Carthy is unhappy that the European Commission is proposing a post-Brexit budget which will see an overall increase, but a reduction in CAP funding.

Speaking to the Irish Farmers Journal on Friday night in Claremorris, Carthy said that he wants to see a fairer CAP.

“The first thing we need to do is ensure that we increase the budget,” he said.

Listen to "Matt Carthy on rural communities, CAP redistribution and EU elections." on Spreaker.


“I think it’s quite scandalous that the European Commission are proposing, in a post-Brexit scenario, an increased budget but a reduced CAP element.

“ I think it’s an abysmal failure. I think people should be challenging our Commissioner on that.”

Carthy also said that there needs to be an increase in convergence in the next CAP.

“We have to have an adequate upper limit, because some are receiving amounts that are immoral,” he said.