DEAR SIR: Veterinary Ireland shares the revulsion of the Minister for Agriculture and farm leaders at the treatment of young Irish dairy calves in Cherbourg, as reported in last week’s Irish Farmers Journal.Veterinary Ireland also supports the Irish Farmers Journal’s view that “whether in a lairage in France or a mart in Ireland, we must have a zero-tolerance approach to poor animal welfare standards”.
DEAR SIR: Veterinary Ireland shares the revulsion of the Minister for Agriculture and farm leaders at the treatment of young Irish dairy calves in Cherbourg, as reported in last week’s Irish Farmers Journal.
Veterinary Ireland also supports the Irish Farmers Journal’s view that “whether in a lairage in France or a mart in Ireland, we must have a zero-tolerance approach to poor animal welfare standards”.
While European and national animal welfare legislation is of a high standard, that is not to say that the legislation is consistently implemented. Irish stakeholders must work together to ensure that Irish animal welfare standards are above reproach.
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Exporters condemn mistreatment of their calves
French worker confesses to abuse of Irish calves