Five hundred cattle herds considered at high risk of TB face additional controls under the concluding report of the TB Forum, which has now been sent to Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed for his approval.
The new controls would apply even though these herds have tested clear of the disease.
The report says the herds have had repeat outbreaks, are at high risk of reinfection and require additional controls.
However, IFA animal health chair Pat Farrell, who has rejected the report, warns that the number of herds subjected to these new controls could rise to about 2,000 as other herds have outbreaks.
The farmers involved would have to do a pre-movement test on cattle going for sale at marts or farm to farm. The Department would fund one pre-movement test per quarter. A farmer wanting to sell cattle more frequently would have to pay for testing himself or herself.
Farrell warned that this was a break from the current agreement made with Government that farmers would pay for only one herd test per year.