Ann McLoughlin, Wexford
“I’ve been to the conference before, I was in Killarney last year and I was in Carlow the year before that. There are some very good speakers on behalf of women and agriculture and very good tips.
“Even though I have a full-time job outside the farm, I’m retiring next year, so I’m looking forward to getting more involved in the farm.
"I might pick up some tips here today as to what I could be doing going forward. This time next year I could be telling you what I decided to do as a result of being here.
“I brought my friend with me because she is married to a dairy farmer in Wicklow. She retired this year from teaching, so, again, she will probably get more involved in the family business. I think it will be a fabulous day for her.
“I think the speakers discussing their experience of how they diversified on the farm really helps. I love hearing those stories.”
Catherine O’Brien, Longford
“This is my first time at the conference. I came because I’m into farming and all aspects of it.
“I’m definitely interested in Dermot Goode’s health insurance talk and also Vicky Phelan. All aspects of it really.
“I’m looking forward to meeting people when I get in and get stared. I think women have a big role to play in farming. As someone said, ‘I’m a farmer as opposed to being a farmer’s wife at this stage’.”
Kathleen Forde, Athenry
“I came here today to be with other women and share their views on the world as it is today and farming going forward.
“It’s great to share even the simplest of little problems or views with other ladies and get their take on it. You meet lovely women, we have met women from Carlow and Tipperary already today.
“My husband has drystock and sheep, and somebody has to retrieve all the dockets out of the tractor and make sure everything is where it should be, when it should be.
“Farmers have enough to do outside, but it has changed and there is a lot of bookwork. There is a paper trail that needs somebody to take charge.”
Mary Doohan, Sligo
“I haven’t been to the conference before, but I’ve always been interested in coming. I’ve always been working before this so I couldn’t attend. I’m looking forward to finding out what’s going on within the area of women and agriculture. It’s always interesting to find out what others are doing.”