Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys has proposed a new seasonal employment permit which could help farmers and other employers in the agricultural sector.

The new seasonal work permit could be used for workers in horticulture and dairy, the Irish Farmers Journal understands.

Publishing the General Scheme of the Employment Permits (Consolidation and Amendment) Bill 2019 on Friday, the minister said: “Among other things, I am proposing to introduce a seasonal employment permit.

“Ireland is an outlier in not having this permit type and I want to better cater for short stay and recurrent employment in sectors like horticulture, farming and tourism.”

Revised rules

The minister said she was also revising the Labour Market Needs Test, which requires employers to firstly advertise vacancies within Ireland and across the EEA.

“The overhaul will make it more relevant, efficient and modernised to reflect current advertising practices. It will also ensure that the test is more targeted and effective in reaching Irish and European jobseekers in the first instance,” said Minister Humphreys.

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400 extra work permits for dairy farmers and factories

Surge in demand for dairy worker permits