Teagasc Cork west will hold a farm health and safety awareness event on Wednesday 20 November at 2.30pm at Macroom Mart, Co Cork.
Teagasc drystock adviser Anthony Dineen said that the health and safety event is planned to highlight key practical issues which will help to prevent fatal and serious accidents on farms in the region.
The health and safety event takes place against the background of an increasing trend in farm deaths during 2019.
As of the end of October, there have been 16 deaths on Irish farms this year, compared with a total of 15 on-farm deaths during all of 2018, with a number of these having been in the west Cork region.
This event will focus on the following farm safety issues:
New regulations and licencing laws applying to the road use of tractors, trailers and implements. The Garda traffic corps will be on hand to give practical advice on these new regulations.Farm machinery is one of the main contributors to both fatal and non-fatal farm accidents. The dangers associated with tractors, the visibility of tractors and people being knocked down or crushed will be demonstrated at this event.Risks associated in handling livestock. A lot of handling of cattle takes place at this time of the year and adequate facilities are needed to handle cattle safely.Health and Safety Authority (HSA) staff will be present to describe how to avoid accidents when working at heights and safety with slurry.Teagasc staff will present practical aspects when using chainsaws and the correct protective wear to use.A farm safety demonstration was held in conjunction with AgriKidsTM recently in Clondrohid National School. The winning farm safety posters from this demo will be on display at the farm safety event on 20 November.On the day, the event will have representatives present from the HSA, Teagasc Cork west, An Garda Síochána, FBD and West Cork Development Partnership.
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Teagasc seeks graduates for derogation adviser jobs
Tralee agricultural mechanisation course cut due to numbers
Cut out the risk before you saw
Teagasc Cork west will hold a farm health and safety awareness event on Wednesday 20 November at 2.30pm at Macroom Mart, Co Cork.
Teagasc drystock adviser Anthony Dineen said that the health and safety event is planned to highlight key practical issues which will help to prevent fatal and serious accidents on farms in the region.
The health and safety event takes place against the background of an increasing trend in farm deaths during 2019.
As of the end of October, there have been 16 deaths on Irish farms this year, compared with a total of 15 on-farm deaths during all of 2018, with a number of these having been in the west Cork region.
This event will focus on the following farm safety issues:
New regulations and licencing laws applying to the road use of tractors, trailers and implements. The Garda traffic corps will be on hand to give practical advice on these new regulations.Farm machinery is one of the main contributors to both fatal and non-fatal farm accidents. The dangers associated with tractors, the visibility of tractors and people being knocked down or crushed will be demonstrated at this event.Risks associated in handling livestock. A lot of handling of cattle takes place at this time of the year and adequate facilities are needed to handle cattle safely.Health and Safety Authority (HSA) staff will be present to describe how to avoid accidents when working at heights and safety with slurry.Teagasc staff will present practical aspects when using chainsaws and the correct protective wear to use.A farm safety demonstration was held in conjunction with AgriKidsTM recently in Clondrohid National School. The winning farm safety posters from this demo will be on display at the farm safety event on 20 November.On the day, the event will have representatives present from the HSA, Teagasc Cork west, An Garda Síochána, FBD and West Cork Development Partnership.
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Teagasc seeks graduates for derogation adviser jobs
Tralee agricultural mechanisation course cut due to numbers
Cut out the risk before you saw