Between 200 and 300 people and 100 tractors are protesting in Dublin today (Tuesday) over prices across all farming sectors, lack of action from the Beef Market Taskforce and carbon taxes, among other issues.

Farmers and tractors began to gather at Merrion Square from 11am and following speeches on a low-loader, tried to make their way down towards the Dáil. However, Kildare Street was closed off by Gardaí.

Fair price

Michael Fitzpatrick, a Tipperary beef farmer, said: "We're here as farmers. One thing the Dublin people and the Government have to know is that farmers feed Ireland.

"If we're feeding the country and a lot more outside the country, we should get a fair price for our products and that's all we're looking for."

Daithí Henebry, a Limerick dairy farmer, said he is protesting for dairy farmers who are receiving poor prices.

"Life is just a bit too hard at the minute, no one is helping. We're working for nothing at the minute. Hopefully we'll get better prices and have a fair chance in life. For our small kids its not ideal to be handing down farms if there's no money in it."

Mark Barrett, a contractor from Kildare, said he was at the protest because the rates aren't there as a result of farmers not getting a fair price for what they're producing. He said he was there "to try stop the carbon tax".

More to follow.