The most important cog in the wheel of the farming business is the farmer themselves.

It’s very important that every possible measure is adopted to keep yourself and your family safe.

Make sure you have the minimum amount of fertiliser and vaccines for the normal running of the farm.

Have you got a Plan B? If marts or factories have to close, what are your options and how will payments be met?

Many beef farms run a tight ship when it comes to cashflow and sometimes stock sales are planned in certain months to meet bank payments.

Have you got a Plan B? If marts or factories have to close, what are your options and how will payments be met?

Meal is another important one, especially if feeding ad-lib. If there is a break in supply, is there enough on farm to keep bulls going?

It’s important that they aren’t left without meal so again a plan B is important.

If you do get sick, can anyone walk into the yard and complete the tasks?

Look at simplifying things. Sit down and talk to your family/partner about what happens and how things work around the farm.