An Post says that postal services will be running normally. This is in response to the latest plan of action from the Government to control the spread of COVID-19. In an address on Thursday, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said all schools, colleges and childcare facilities will be closed as of 6:00pm on 12 March. He also said those who can work remotely should do so, and that indoor gatherings of more than 100 people should be cancelled at this time. Many Irish businesses have provided an immediate response to this plan in an effort to facilitate staff members and clients.
An Post says that postal services will be running normally. This is in response to the latest plan of action from the Government to control the spread of COVID-19.
In an address on Thursday, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said all schools, colleges and childcare facilities will be closed as of 6:00pm on 12 March. He also said those who can work remotely should do so, and that indoor gatherings of more than 100 people should be cancelled at this time. Many Irish businesses have provided an immediate response to this plan in an effort to facilitate staff members and clients.
They may be self-isolating or simply want to avoid social places; so, if they choose, they can elect a person to collect on their behalf
Although An Post says it will operate as usual, it has developed a new system for vulnerable citizens in receipt of social welfare payments. If they so choose, elderly or immuno-compromised people can elect a close friend or relative to collect their pensions or social welfare payments. An Post’s public affairs manager Angus Laverty says anyone who depends on collecting their welfare or pension payments from the post office can avail of this service, with no additional eligibility criteria applied.
“[This service] is for people - mostly elderly - who are in receipt of social welfare payments,” he explains. “They may be self-isolating or simply want to avoid social places; so, if they choose, they can elect a person to collect on their behalf.”
To be eligible for this service, you must be in receipt of a payment from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) which you normally collect at the post office.
Temporary agent
It is relatively easy to nominate a temporary agent (as they’re called) to collect a payment for the recipient. There is an online application form on the An Post website which can be downloaded and filled out.
“You simply fill out the form, and then the nominated person brings proof of ID (a passport or valid driver’s licence) when they arrive to collect the payment,” Laverty says.
The Temporary Agent will also have to bring the recipient's card, as issued by the DEASP. An Post said that while things continue to operate as normal, it will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds.
“Business Continuity Plans are in place and we are working closely with the HSE Expert team, the Health Threats Coordination Group and international postal organisations,” it stated.
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