Paul Brophy – IFA horticulture chair, Co Kildare

“The dry weather has added another dimension to what is an already stressed sector. We’re having to work longer hours with fewer staff to water and irrigate crops. That takes skilled staff out and other jobs have to be pulled as a result.

“During the last drought in 2018 we didn’t start irrigating until 10 June.

“There’s serious pressure on crops that are to be harvested shortly and those going into the ground. We’re coming into peak planting now for winter crops.”

Philip Truesdale – beef and sheep farmer, Co Down

Philip Truesdale, beef and sheep farmer, Co Down. \ Barry Cronin

“The situation was worse a month ago. We’ve got some rain in the past fortnight and that has helped the recovery. The dry April did hinder growth but, that said, we haven’t had to take any drastic action like housing animals.

“We’d good grass covers at turnout and we held stock back a little by feeding round bales, that’s helped. Silage will be starting next week and there’s probably not the same crop on it as other years but the grazing ground was worst affected.”

Ciaran Lynch – Teagasc sheep specialist, northeast region

Ciaran Lynch, Teagasc sheep specialist, northeast region. \ Barry Cronin

“Growth is really variable this week depending on where you are in the country. Anywhere that got rain in recent days is rocketing and the cold doesn’t seem to be holding it back. Other places like Kildare and up to Louth are starting to suffer.

“It all depends on how long this dry spell lasts. Those pockets of dry land are crying out for rain and guys should go with fertiliser so that when it does come things start growing.”

Eugene Ryan – tillage farmer, Co Laois

Eugene Ryan, tillage farmer, Co Laois.

“After a very wet spring, things have turned very dry. There has been virtually no rainfall since mid-April. Our March-sown crops are well established and can handle these conditions. However, our spring crops sown around the middle of April are under real pressure for moisture and emergence is patchy on the later sown crops. If these crops don’t receive moisture soon this will likely reduce their yield potential. Our winter crops are holding up well but I have concerns about the impact of this week’s ground frost on the emerging ears on my winter barley.”