A number of marts have been given the go ahead to advertise for mart sales with bidders around the ring from next Monday, 8 June, onwards. Phase two of the easing of COVID-19 restrictions in the Republic of Ireland is due to kick in from next Monday. Marts can reopen where social distancing of 2m can be maintained.

The Irish Farmers Journal understands that marts have applied for a “Safe Sales” standard operating procedure (SOP) and will be inspected in the coming days before sales take place early next week. It’s understood that some marts have also been approved to allow sellers access to the mart at allotted times to confirm sale of stock. Buyers and sellers must register and sign in at the mart entrance and maintain social distancing for the sale.

Marts will have a limit on the number of people allowed into rings, based on keeping buyers 2m apart. While buyer numbers will be restricted around rings, it is hoped that it will encourage some buyers back to marts who haven’t ventured out in recent weeks.

The reopening of marts has been long awaited by some marts that did not choose to implement online sales.

For those that did, there is some concern as to how both online bidding and ringside bidding will operate alongside each other from next week on.

Aurivo Marts general manager Martin Walsh said: “We have put a huge amount of work into getting ready for reopening on Monday 8 June.

“It’s not a case of going back to where we were before COVID-19 but it’s a small step to getting back to some form of normality.”