The Green Party has dropped its demand for a total ban on all live exports to countries outside the EU as part of government formation talks, the Irish Farmers Journal understands. The Green Party had described a ban on live exports to third countries as a “red line” issue for entering government with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil.
However, the Irish Farmers Journal understands Green Party negotiators have since softened their position on the issue. Sources close to the talks say any programme for government document will not include any reference to an outright ban on live exports to third countries.
Almost 33,000 cattle were exported from Ireland to countries such as Egypt, Libya and Turkey in the peak year of 2017, with 24,000 exported last year.
The UK would be designated a third country for Europe by the WTO should there be a no-deal Brexit at the end of the year, which would have had major implications for cross-border livestock trade.