Some 570 agriculture appeals were received by the Agriculture Appeals Office in 2019, with the highest number of appeals in relation to the Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme (GLAS).

The total number of appeals increased by 2.5% on 2018, according to the 2019 Agricultural Appeals Office report for 2019.

The number of agriculture appeals closed in 2019 was 491, including appeals received in previous years.

The outcome of all agriculture appeals closed in 2019 was as follows:

  • 44% allowed, partially allowed, or the Department decision was revised in favour of the appellant after the appeal was submitted.
  • 43% of appeals disallowed.
  • 13% of appeals withdrawn, invalid, or received after the three-month deadline.
  • Of the 43% agriculture appeals disallowed, the highest number concerned appeals against GLAS decisions. The highest number of appeals allowed or partially allowed was for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).

    Scheme breakdown

    Some 156 appeals were received in 2019 in relation to the GLAS scheme, 69 in relation to the Beef Exceptional Aid Measure (BEAM), 45 in relation to the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) and 43 related to BPS-entitlements.

    Another 40 appeals were made for the Areas of Natural Constraints (ANC) scheme, 40 to the Young Farmers Scheme and 40 were in relation to cross-compliance.

    At the lower end of the scale, there were 27 appeals in relation to the BPS scheme, 24 to the Sheep Welfare Scheme and 20 to the Organic Farming Scheme.


    GLAS appeals accounted for in the region of 27% of total appeals. Issues here where farmers appeals were disallowed related to farmers failing to complete an action over the term of the contract, ineligible land found in a BPS check and inadequate fencing of watercourses.

    In relation to the coppicing action, it found that coppicing was not carried out at all or not carried out at the location indicated. For the low-input permanent pasture action, it was found there were no owned cattle for the action or parcels were not stock proof.


    The number of forestry licence appeals received by the office in 2019 was 489, which was more than double the combined total received in 2017 and 2018 (231).

    Some 150 forestry licence appeals were closed in 2019.

  • 32 appeal decisions confirmed the licences under appeal.
  • 27 appeal decisions varied the licences under appeal.
  • 91 appeal decisions cancelled the licences under appeal or the appeal was withdrawn.