During 2019, just 3,550ha of new forests were created, significantly less than the 6,900ha target, Forest Statistics Ireland 2020 has shown.

The programme for partnership in government in 2016 had aimed for an increase in planting each year over the lifetime of the Forestry Programme, commencing with 6,000ha of new forests in year one, increasing to 8,290 ha in 2020.

Cork had the highest afforestation area at 423ha followed by Clare at 352ha. In 2019, €89.9m was spent by DAFM on forest activities including afforestation, maintenance grants, annual premium payments and grants for forest road infrastructure.

Commitment to forestry

Speaking on the release of the report, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture Pippa Hackett said the Programme for Government makes clear the commitment to forestry, and woodland habitat creation in Ireland.

Over half of the forests in Ireland are in public ownership

“As I engage with all stakeholders on these commitments, it’s important to have reliable statistics to chart the progress of this new forestry programme,“ she concluded.

Conifer species

Nationally, conifer species are the dominant species present, representing 71.2% of forest area while broadleaved species accounted for 28.7%. The proportion of broadleaves in new forests created during 2019 was 25% which was up from 21% in the previous year.

Over half of the forests in Ireland are in public ownership, with the remainder in private ownership. Farmers have accounted for 81% of private lands afforested between 1980 and 2019.

Since 1980, over 23,000 private land owners have received grant aid to establish forests. The average size of private grant-aided afforestation since 1980 is 8.6ha.

New roads

The construction of 94km of private forest roads was funded during 2019, an increase of 20km on the previous year. This reflects the projected increase in timber and wood to be harvested which is expected to double by 2030.

Felling licences were issued during 2019 for the thinning of 47,571 ha and the clear felling of 9,626ha.

Read more

Climate action plan sets 8,000ha annual planting target

Hackett to take responsibility for forestry at Department

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