The National Dairy Council (NDC) is now taking registrations for the school milk scheme for the 2020/2021 school year. Schools that apply for the scheme receive free fridges with registered children accessing fresh milk daily.
Minister for Agriculture Dara Calleary said: “In light of the uncertainty faced by us all this year, we are happy to continue facilitating the delivery of milk to children around the country as schools reopen.
“Cultivating healthy eating habits at an early age is one of the goals we aspire to under our school milk scheme as well as the opportunity to connect to agriculture.”
Balanced diet
The national children’s food survey has shown that over a third of Irish children aged five to 12 years have inadequate intakes of calcium.
Nutritionist with the NDC Caroline Gunn said: “Milk is one of the best dietary sources of calcium, a nutrient that is well recognised for its important role in normal bone growth and development.
“As part of a balanced diet, the healthy eating guidelines recommend three daily servings from the milk, yoghurt and cheese food group for five to eight year olds and five daily servings for nine to18 year olds.”
The school milk scheme is managed by the NDC and funded by the Department of Agriculture with the support of the EU.
To register for the scheme contact or click here.
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The National Dairy Council (NDC) is now taking registrations for the school milk scheme for the 2020/2021 school year. Schools that apply for the scheme receive free fridges with registered children accessing fresh milk daily.
Minister for Agriculture Dara Calleary said: “In light of the uncertainty faced by us all this year, we are happy to continue facilitating the delivery of milk to children around the country as schools reopen.
“Cultivating healthy eating habits at an early age is one of the goals we aspire to under our school milk scheme as well as the opportunity to connect to agriculture.”
Balanced diet
The national children’s food survey has shown that over a third of Irish children aged five to 12 years have inadequate intakes of calcium.
Nutritionist with the NDC Caroline Gunn said: “Milk is one of the best dietary sources of calcium, a nutrient that is well recognised for its important role in normal bone growth and development.
“As part of a balanced diet, the healthy eating guidelines recommend three daily servings from the milk, yoghurt and cheese food group for five to eight year olds and five daily servings for nine to18 year olds.”
The school milk scheme is managed by the NDC and funded by the Department of Agriculture with the support of the EU.
To register for the scheme contact or click here.
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Nominations open for Young Farmer of the Year
Down and Cavan farmers win Lakeland Dairies milk quality award
The Big Dealer: Irish dairy farmers donate milk to Yemen