Storm Francis results in paddocks being rotated more frequently

Declan O'Brien bringing in his cattle for milking in the rain during storm Francis in Edenderry, Co Offaly. Declan is having to rotate paddocks much more frequently due to the heavy rain we have experienced during the two storms that have hit within the last two weeks. \ Claire Nash

Watch: sit back, relax and enjoy a slideshow of the week's best pictures
Harvesting spring barley before storm Francis hit in Co Dublin

Gordon Beattie harvesting spring barley for John Fallon in Athgoe, Colmanstown, Co Dublin, before storm Francis rolled in. \ Philip Doyle

Gordon brought in a crop with 20% moisture. \ Philip Doyle

Poor harvest weather around the country over the past two weeks is beginning to take its toll on crops with increasing reports of lodging, shedding and sprouting. \ Philip Doyle

Poor harvest weather around the country over the past two weeks is beginning to take its toll on crops with increasing reports of lodging, shedding and sprouting. \ Philip Doyle
Holsteins and British Shorthorns getting scanned in Co Wicklow

AI technician Joe Harnett scans a herd of Holsteins and British Shorthorns on the Beatty family farm in Manor Kilbride, Co Wicklow. Joe scans about 600 cattle a year and is currently training Conor Duncan in as an AI technician. \ Claire Nash

AI technician Joe Harnett scans a herd of Holsteins and British Shorthorns on the Beatty family farm in Manor Kilbride, Co Wicklow. Joe scans about 600 cattle a year and is currently training Conor Duncan in as an AI technician. \ Claire Nash
Contract-rearing weanling heifers in Co Offaly

Between showers, Martin Sullivan checks a herd of weanling heifers that he is contract-rearing for a local dairy farmer in Durrow, Co Offaly. \ Philip Doyle

Between showers, Martin Sullivan checks a herd of weanling heifers that he is contract-rearing for a local dairy farmer in Durrow, Co Offaly. \ Philip Doyle
Sucker herd moved to fresh grass in Co Cork

Tadgh O’Mahony and his cousin Cian O’Mahony check the stock after moving them to fresh grass at Cullane, Leap, Co Cork. Tadgh runs a 40-cow suckler herd of spring-calving cows on a calf-to-weanling system.
\ Donal O’ Leary

Tadgh O'Mahony. \ Donal O' Leary
A round-up of some of the rest of the pictures from around the country

A slightly injured cow is flown by helicopter from the Klausen Pass due to its unfitness for the annual cattle drive. The event, known as Bodenfahrt, will see about 1,000 cows move to the lower Alps, at Klausen Pass, Switzerland. During the Bodenfahrt, the farmers move their cattle from high pastures back to the lower Alps. \ EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER

My Farming Week: Peggy and Patrick Melican separating cows from yearling bullocks in Lissycasey, Co Clare, for sale at Ennis Mart. \ Odhran Ducie

Milen Baramov harvesting leeks as the field water logs during storm Francis at Beechlawn Organic Farm, Aughrim, Co Galway. \ David Ruffles

The scene on the McCaughan brothers' farm outside Ballycastle in Co Antrim on Tuesday as torrential rain brought flash flooding throughout the country. \ Houston Green

Shane Harrington tying down a load of Winter Barley Straw at Lahorna, Ardcroney, Co. Tipperary. \ Odhran Ducie
Read more
This week in photos: sowing at sunset and stock being shifted
This week in photos: harvesting, marts and scanning dairy cows
This week in photos: harvesting winter oats and sorting sheep for the mart
This week in photos: swathing triticale and dry crimping winter barley
Storm Francis results in paddocks being rotated more frequently

Declan O'Brien bringing in his cattle for milking in the rain during storm Francis in Edenderry, Co Offaly. Declan is having to rotate paddocks much more frequently due to the heavy rain we have experienced during the two storms that have hit within the last two weeks. \ Claire Nash

Watch: sit back, relax and enjoy a slideshow of the week's best pictures
Harvesting spring barley before storm Francis hit in Co Dublin

Gordon Beattie harvesting spring barley for John Fallon in Athgoe, Colmanstown, Co Dublin, before storm Francis rolled in. \ Philip Doyle

Gordon brought in a crop with 20% moisture. \ Philip Doyle

Poor harvest weather around the country over the past two weeks is beginning to take its toll on crops with increasing reports of lodging, shedding and sprouting. \ Philip Doyle

Poor harvest weather around the country over the past two weeks is beginning to take its toll on crops with increasing reports of lodging, shedding and sprouting. \ Philip Doyle
Holsteins and British Shorthorns getting scanned in Co Wicklow

AI technician Joe Harnett scans a herd of Holsteins and British Shorthorns on the Beatty family farm in Manor Kilbride, Co Wicklow. Joe scans about 600 cattle a year and is currently training Conor Duncan in as an AI technician. \ Claire Nash

AI technician Joe Harnett scans a herd of Holsteins and British Shorthorns on the Beatty family farm in Manor Kilbride, Co Wicklow. Joe scans about 600 cattle a year and is currently training Conor Duncan in as an AI technician. \ Claire Nash
Contract-rearing weanling heifers in Co Offaly

Between showers, Martin Sullivan checks a herd of weanling heifers that he is contract-rearing for a local dairy farmer in Durrow, Co Offaly. \ Philip Doyle

Between showers, Martin Sullivan checks a herd of weanling heifers that he is contract-rearing for a local dairy farmer in Durrow, Co Offaly. \ Philip Doyle
Sucker herd moved to fresh grass in Co Cork

Tadgh O’Mahony and his cousin Cian O’Mahony check the stock after moving them to fresh grass at Cullane, Leap, Co Cork. Tadgh runs a 40-cow suckler herd of spring-calving cows on a calf-to-weanling system.
\ Donal O’ Leary

Tadgh O'Mahony. \ Donal O' Leary
A round-up of some of the rest of the pictures from around the country

A slightly injured cow is flown by helicopter from the Klausen Pass due to its unfitness for the annual cattle drive. The event, known as Bodenfahrt, will see about 1,000 cows move to the lower Alps, at Klausen Pass, Switzerland. During the Bodenfahrt, the farmers move their cattle from high pastures back to the lower Alps. \ EPA-EFE/URS FLUEELER

My Farming Week: Peggy and Patrick Melican separating cows from yearling bullocks in Lissycasey, Co Clare, for sale at Ennis Mart. \ Odhran Ducie

Milen Baramov harvesting leeks as the field water logs during storm Francis at Beechlawn Organic Farm, Aughrim, Co Galway. \ David Ruffles

The scene on the McCaughan brothers' farm outside Ballycastle in Co Antrim on Tuesday as torrential rain brought flash flooding throughout the country. \ Houston Green

Shane Harrington tying down a load of Winter Barley Straw at Lahorna, Ardcroney, Co. Tipperary. \ Odhran Ducie
Read more
This week in photos: sowing at sunset and stock being shifted
This week in photos: harvesting, marts and scanning dairy cows
This week in photos: harvesting winter oats and sorting sheep for the mart
This week in photos: swathing triticale and dry crimping winter barley