There are any number of routes to securing employment in an equestrian yard, but there are some well recognised qualifications that are particularly focused on practical, hands-on work. Among these are the Teagasc, BHS and Horse Sport Ireland courses.

Teagasc Level 5 and Level 6 Equitation

This course is very practical and hands on and aimed at those who want to develop their riding and yard management skills.

Students work as part of a team, helping to run the large college yard, which has around 50 to 60 horses. They ride every day, receiving training in dressage, show jumping and cross-country.

In first year they complete the module in young horse training, which incorporates lunging, driving and loose schooling, all of which helps prepare them for breaking horses in second year. Other modules include horse breeding anatomy and physiology, communications, and stable and yard routine.

Second-year equitation students take responsibility for the management of the yard, supervising students and horses.

They break and produce young horses, learning how to prepare them for sales. They also have an opportunity to train and complete their BHS exams, and leave as a qualified instructor,

As part of their equine business module, they learn how to run events, and set up and manage their own yards.

British Horse Society exam route

The British Horse Society (BHS) exams are a qualification that is recognised around the world, from its UK base to the US and Australia.

The stage exams can be taken in bulk or module by module and include horse care, stable management, lunging and riding in all three phases – on the flat, over show jumps and cross-country.

There are career pathways for people who want to ride, groom or coach to a very high level, but the most common level attained by many people is the BHS assistant instructor (BHSAI) and later the instructor qualification (BHSI).

BHS studies and exams can be taken at Balcultry Stables, Dublin, Bergin Equine in Wicklow, Brennanstown Riding School, Wickow, Calliaghstown Equestrian Centre in Dublin, Castle Leslie in Monaghan, Clonshire Equestrian Centre in Co Limerick, Grennan College in Co Kilkenny, Hitchmoughs Riding School in Cork, Kildalton College in Waterford and Thornton Park Equestrian Centre in Dublin. For more information, see

Horse Sport Ireland coaching

Horse Sport Ireland coaching exams are run by Coaching Ireland, the Irish governing body for coaching in all sports.

The programme is designed to train you to become a successful competition coach. The courses are delivered by professional equestrian tutors and use modern techniques to improve both horses’ and riders’ performance.

It begins with the HSI Introduction to Coaching, then you move up the ranks to level 1 apprentice coach, Level 2 coach, level national coach and also cross-country/eventing coach.

The Level 1 apprentice coach course provides you with a framework of progressive exercises to develop horses to compete at novice dressage, 1.10m show jumping and novice eventing.

More information is available on and from Jennifer Diamond in Horse Sport Ireland. Email or phone 045 854 533.