Beef prices are slowly edging upwards, with plants firmly focused on prime cattle and the Christmas kill. However, base quotes remain on 366p/kg for U-3 grading animals.

Reports coming from some cattle agents indicate that supplies are finely balanced with processing demand, despite the disruption to killing capacity with one plant temporarily closed. According to some agents, there are signs that the availability of finished cattle is starting to tighten, putting farmers with stock to sell in a strong position.

Farmers report that 370p/kg is widely available as a starting price on in-spec cattle this week. Deals on young bulls are typically 370p to 372p/kg, which include premiums for meeting carcase weight limits.

Reports indicate that farmers with a good supply of in-spec steers are securing 374p to 376p/kg, with more on offer for a steady supply of cattle.

Last week, the average price paid across all grades of steers and heifers rose by 3.2p to 364.32p/kg

Deals on prime heifers are typically 376p to 380p/kg, with larger finishers regularly offloading cattle reporting an extra 2p to 4p/kg for butcher type animals.

With an extremely competitive live trade providing a strong alternate market, farmers struggling to obtain higher prices are advised to price around and consider their options when offloading stock. Last week, the average price paid across all grades of steers and heifers rose by 3.2p to 364.32p/kg.

Prices paid on U3 steers increased by 4p/kg/kg to an average of 374.8p/kg, with U3 heifers rising 2.5p to an average of 378.1p/kg.

For the same week last year, U3 grading steers and heifers averaged 332.2p and 339.1p/kg respectively, a differential of £136 to £147 per head on a 350kg carcase.


Processing demand for cull cows has generally slowed, but one plant added 5p/kg to its quote. Base prices for R3 grading cows is holding at 265p/kg, with O+3 animals on 255p/kg.

Farmers report deals of 280p to 290p/kg on offer for good-quality suckler-bred animals. Last week, the average price on R3 grading cows was 285.2p/kg.

Lamb trade

Processing plants have increased the carcase weight limit to 22kg with a base of 450p/kg on offer, making lambs worth £99.

However, the dynamics of the market are such that more is available and reports of 470p/kg freely on offer.

Trade in the marts is extremely buoyant with prices increasing by as much as 30p/kg.

In Saintfield, a very small show of 303 lambs sold from 422p to 520p/kg, up 15p/kg

In Kilrea, 500 lambs sold from 429p to 500p/kg, up 30p/kg for heavier lambs. Lambs at 26kg made £103, 25kg made £101 with lots at 23kg at £100.

Massereene sold 762 lambs from 420p to 462p/kg, up by 10p/kg on last week.

In Saintfield, a very small show of 303 lambs sold from 422p to 520p/kg, up 15p/kg. Heavy lambs at 30kg sold to £116 with 26kg to £110. Lambs at 24kg made £106 with 22kg selling to £98. Stores at 19kg made £88/head.

In Lisahally, prices were more muted compared to last week. The main run was £100 to £104 with lambs averaging 24.2kg at £101/head.

In Rathfriland, 545 lambs sold from 410p to 500p/kg, with the sale average of 441p/kg up 24p/kg on last week.

Store lambs in Ballymena were a good trade with the best lots selling from £79 to £88/head.


The trade for fat ewes is steady. Swatragh sold ewes to £130 with Kilrea selling to £96 and Massereene to £128. In Saintfield, top price was £118 with the main run from £95 to £112. In Rathfriland, top price was £135/head.

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Beef prices: chinks of light appearing in trade

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