Glanbia will pay its members €210/t for green feed barley and €220/t for green feed wheat.
This price includes a €10/t trading bonus for members who purchased the minimum required inputs and the standard transport allowance (€3/t) for delivery to drying locations.
Including bonuses, Glanbia members will be paid €255/t for beans, €195/t for feed oats, €260/t for gluten-free oats and €535/t for oilseed rape.
Glanbia grain intake was up 10% this season, compared with 2020.
Over 40% of the grain taken in by Glanbia this season carries a premium and over €2m in premiums over feed price will be paid out for 2021. The average premium is €20/t for value-added grains.
Head of grains at Glanbia John Kealy stated: “As the largest buyer of Irish grains, Glanbia Ireland uses only Irish cereals in rations sold through our agribusiness.”
On premium markets Kealy stated: “Harvest 2021 saw the acreage of HEAR oilseed rape more than treble. Further significant increases are expected in 2022 with strong interest from growers.”