The 2021 balancing payments for the Organic Farming Scheme (OFS) commenced on Thursday, according to the Minister of State in the Department of Agriculture Senator Pippa Hackett.

She highlighted that “over 1,000 [organic] farmers have received payments totalling over €784,000” and that “payments will continue to issue over the coming weeks”.

The 2021 balancing payment amounts to 15% of the full annual payment due under the OFS. The 85% advance payment issued in November 2021 to OFS participants in accordance with EU rules.


According to the Department, at present, there are 1,734 organic farmers participating in the OFS and annual payments under the scheme amount to approximately €11m.

A further 380 farmers applied to participate the scheme in the latest opening this spring.

Approximately 94,000ha of farmland is currently under organic production in Ireland and a further 17,000ha is being converted in 2022.

Minister Hackett said: “The Organic Farming Scheme is our primary support measure to assist farmers in their conversion to organic farming, as we seek to respond to the increasing consumer demand for organically produced food.

“There are more than 100,000 Irish farmers with stocking rates less than 170kg N/ha. I would strongly encourage these farmers to consider joining the OFS this autumn.

"Consumer demand is growing, payment rates have been increased and organic farmers will receive priority access to the new agri-environmental scheme, so there has never been a better time to consider making the switch.”

More information

The organic division in the Department can be contacted on 076-106 4415 or by email to