The beef trade remains in a solid position this week, with quotes remaining at the same level as last week.
Factory threats at the end of last week of going to a €4.70/kg base for bullocks have failed to materialise and factories have had no choice but to stand on at last week’s quotes of €4.80/kg base price for bullocks and €4.90/kg base price for heifers.
Some factories have also tried to quote €4.85/kg, but the majority of heifers are trading at €4.90/kg.
The majority of bullocks are also moving at €4.80/kg, with a few larger operators being able to squeeze €4.85/kg where heifers are involved in the same load.
Bull prices
There is a wide range in bull quotes, with some factories trying to buy under-16-month bulls on Monday morning at €4.80/kg and others quoting €4.90/kg on the grid.
U-grading under-24-month bulls are being quoted from €4.95/kg to €5.05/kg, with R grading bulls coming in at €4.85/kg to €4.90/kg.
Cow prices
Some factories are very hungry for cows, while others are concentrating more on prime cattle. The advice is to shop around.
Quotes this week are running at €4.80/kg for R grading cows, €4.60/kg for O grading cows and €4.30/kg to €4.40/kg for P grading cows.
Specialist producers and those dealing with numbers are still working off 10c to 20c/kg more than these quotes.