The Department of Agriculture has launched a new animal health surveillance strategy (2023-2028).

Among the goals in the new strategy is to develop public-private partnerships to access surveillance data from private veterinary laboratories, private veterinary practitioners, farmers and stockpersons to enhance the quality of surveillance activities.

Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue said animal health surveillance data are an invaluable resource, which help to optimise the monitoring and control of diseases known to be present throughout the country’s animal populations.


“Furthermore, such data help us prepare for, and thus minimise the impact of, any exotic, new or previously unknown disease outbreak were it to occur. It helps to safeguard not only animal health and welfare, but also public health and food safety.

“On the international stage, Ireland continues to build on its excellent reputation as a country that actively promotes and safeguards animal health and our credibility with international trading partners is strengthened by the reliable animal health surveillance systems we have in place,” he said.

Effective surveillance

He said effective animal health surveillance is crucial to this 'one health' approach and we will continue to review and enhance our passive and active surveillance systems - not only for farmed animals, including equines, but extending to include companion animals and wildlife also.

“This new strategy is underpinned by the principles of robust governance, science and evidence-led policy making and consistent adaptation to emerging disease threats and trends,” he said.