The Irish Limousin Cattle Society (ILCS) is without a CEO ahead of crunch talks at a meeting of council members in Portlaoise on Tuesday night.

The society has faced internal conflict over recent months, with council members telling the Irish Farmers Journal that they hope Tuesday’s meeting results in a resolution.

Interim CEO Pat Mulvehill vacated his position at the end of June, having commenced his role at the end of September 2022 with an initial contract for six months.

The former CEO of Munster Bovine had an option of a three-month extension on his contract with the society and opted to do so.

Mulvehill’s nine-month contract concluded at the end of June and, therefore, he vacated the role, according to breed society council members.

Council members insisted it had nothing to do with any of the conflict within the breed society.


The council has formed an internal subcommittee to oversee the recruitment and appointment of a new full-time CEO for the organisation.

In September, the society said in a statement that it would commence the process of recruiting this full-time CEO and breed secretary in the “coming weeks”.

Limousin society council members will meet on Tuesday evening. \ Philip Doyle

However, council members confirmed to the Irish Farmers Journal that the role has not yet been advertised, albeit that it is hoped that this will happen “shortly”.


In April, Wright Consultants Ltd finalised a report on its two investigations into the conflict within the society.

The external consultants found that the allegations made against the society’s council members at the society’s annual general meeting (AGM) on 16 November 2022 were untrue.

That AGM was adjourned after six hours of heated exchanges between breeders and council members. The meeting heard references to bullying and intimidation around the council table.

Wright Consultants Ltd found that there was no evidence of bullying nor was there any evidence provided by the breeder who made the allegation.

Members will know more about the future of the Irish Limousin Cattle Society after a council meeting on Tuesday night, said council members.

The report also concluded that there was no evidence that any votes taken at the Limousin council table had a gender content or bias.

‘Right direction’

Ahead of Tuesday evening’s meeting, society treasurer Tom Jackson said he hoped the organisation is “going in the right direction” in terms of resolving the issues investigated by Wright Consultants Ltd. Jackson said such progression “will depend on people”.

Fellow council member Michael McInerny said the conflict is “not a situation I want to inflame” and that the society will update members following Tuesday’s meeting.

Former Limousin breed society president and current council member Trevor Masterson said he too hopes the society can find a way forward.

Read more

Limousin council members exonerated by independent investigation

Limousin SGM cancelled after legal advice

New interim chief for Irish Limousin Cattle Society