When did you set up your business and why?

I’ve always loved creating art and making cards since I was very young. I keep all my special cards and letters: there is such a strong connection from being able to look back at old handwriting from people, especially those who may no longer be with us.

I dabbled with PaperTwigs for a few years as a hobby and for friends, but it wasn’t until lockdown 2020 that I had time to really branch out and have the courage to share my work on social media properly. People really took this time to slow down and “send love and paper hugs” as I call it.

I hope my work will inspire people to slow down and take some time to communicate through the art of writing and correspondence. A simple card holds a remarkable power to convey love, gratitude, and cherished memories.

Can you explain your process?

When I’m designing new collections, I like to listen to music or take some time in nature before I begin with some sketching. I then design digital illustrations on my iPad, from which I create my greeting cards and prints.

My inspiration comes largely from the Irish countryside I’ve grown up in, but also from love and strong family values. Alongside my card collections, I also create custom designed cards and illustrations, including pet portraits, photo merges and nostalgia cards, which include a little pull out pocket of special photos.

What is your best-seller?

Special birthdays are a big one, along with wedding and remembrance cards. It is amazing how organised and thoughtful some of my customers are.

Illustrator and card designer, Kathryn Leonard, of PaperTwigs Designs

My nostalgia range is all about special photos and emotive words: people spend a lot of time choosing photos and wording to customise their designs. My Christmas collections, including “The Front Door” portraits, are a really popular bundle for your own Christmas cards or indeed as a unique gift for others.

What is it about your business that brings you joy?

Drawing and designing is a therapy for me. It has helped me to get through many stresses that life has thrown at me over the years. To be part of the journey and help people come up with designs for loved ones is a really special gift for me.

Kathryn Leonard hopes her work will inspire people to slow down and take some time to communicate through the art of writing and correspondence.

People come to me with such wonderful, thoughtful ideas; it becomes a shared circle of joy for me the creator, the giver and the receiver.

What are your hopes for the next year?

I am now in a position professionally to give more time to fully focus on PaperTwigs, so I’m really looking forward to fine tuning my collections and expanding my wholesale connections.

Kathryn Leonard loves the idea of helping her customers connect through her work

I’ll be working hard on preparing for Showcase 2024, which I’ll be at with the Meath Local Enterprise Office. I will continue to spread the art of communication through stationary.

What advice would you give to another start-up business?

To believe in yourself and take small steps each day to progress the business you love. I did a lot of self-training to better my knowledge in design processes and website building.

I think if you put in a lot of graft yourself, you’ll know you deserve to achieve success. I am also a member of The Biscuit Factory, a mentoring group for creative businesses.

The support and knowledge in the group is brilliant. Like everything, you just keep going and surround yourself with positive people who believe in you.

Visit www.papertwigsdesign.com

Alongside her card collections, Kathryn Leonard also creates custom designed cards and illustrations, including pet portraits, photo merges and nostalgia cards, which include a little pull out pocket of special photos.

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