A cattle ranch larger than the province of Munster is for sale in Australia.

The Kimberley Cattle Portfolio, which comprises of approximately 2,906,483ha of pastoral lease and sub-lease land, is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.

The Kimberly Cattle Portfolio is all within a 350km radius. \ LAWD

Selling agent LAWD Estates described the offering as a “large-scale grazing opportunity” which typically can carry between 45,000 and 50,000 breeding cattle.

The land is currently grazed by a Droughtmaster-cross-Brahman herd, typical for Australian beef production.

The farm finishes all cattle, with facilities on site to continue this enterprise.

All water supplies on the ranch are underpinned by 9.5bn litres of groundwater. \ LAWD


The huge property includes seven pastoral leases (1,828,682ha) and five sub-leases (924,325ha) and is operated as a single large-scale portfolio.

For growing crops and fodder, a further 210ha is developed to centre-pivot irrigation with approval for an additional 294ha. All water supplies are underpinned by 9.5bn litres of groundwater at the property.

The grazing land runs up to 50,000 breeding cattle, mainly Droughtmaster cross Brahman. \ LAWD

The grazing land is well watered by multiple wells, which supply dams, tanks and troughs. The entire portfolio is set within a 350km radius.

LAWD is offering the property to market for sale by expression of interest, closing at 12pm (Australian time) on Thursday 9 November.

The Kimberly Cattle Portfolio is in Western Australia. \ LAWD

Any interested Irish farmer looking to make a move can contact agents Danny Thomas (+61 439 349 977) or Simon Wilkinson (+61 456 758 341) for more information.

The property comprises approximately 2,906,483ha of pastoral lease and sub-lease land. \ LAWD

The land is for sale via Expression of Interest.

There are 210ha on the farm developed to centre pivot irrigation.

The portfolio is one of the largest land packages ever put up for sale in Australia.

The grazing land is well-watered by multiple wells which supply dams, tanks and troughs. \ LAWD