Uisce Éireann, formerly Irish Water, received a fine of €4,000 and was ordered to pay costs and expenses of €3,079 after discharge from one of its wastewater treatment plants entered the Ballinagh River in Cavan, killing 160 fish in 2022.

Sample results, taken from the water near the Uisce Éireann wastewater treatment plant at Ballinagh, showed high levels of ammonia – 32 times greater than expected in good salmon or trout waters.

This was the third prosecution against Uisce Éireann at this plant in Ballinagh since 2015.

The fine was imposed at a hearing on the matter at Cavan District Court on 6 October 2023. Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) secured the prosecution.


Commenting after the verdict, Dr Milton Matthews, director of IFI’s north-western river basin district, said: “Approximately 160 fish, predominantly brown trout, perished in this incident, and that number also included some stickleback and minnow.

“High levels of ammonia in a watercourse are toxic for fish. Fishkill events such as these are extreme ecological events.

This was the third prosecution against Uisce Éireann at this plant in Ballinagh since 2015. \ Inland Fisheries Ireland

“They can have a severe and prolonged impact on native fish stocks due to the loss of locally- adapted, genetically-distinct fish populations, which may take many years to recover.

“We welcome further engagement with Uisce Éireann. This will ensure that regular visual inspections of wastewater facilities and discharge points are conducted, to minimise the risk of such pollution events re-occurring,” he said.


IFI personnel were alerted to a fishkill on the Ballinagh River on 19 July 2022.

An investigation was carried out immediately and samples were taken for analysis by IFI senior environmental officer, Ailish Keane.

Sample results showed levels of ammonia 32 times greater than expected in good salmon or trout waters. \ Inland Fisheries Ireland

The results indicated the pollution source was direct discharge from an effluent pipe at Uisce Éireann’s wastewater treatment plant at Ballinagh.

The conviction was secured under Section 171 of the Fisheries (Consolidation) Act 1959 – legislation regarding protection of fishing waters from harmful pollutants.

Members of the public are encouraged to report instances of water pollution, illegal fishing or fishkills to Inland Fisheries Ireland’s confidential number, 081-834 7424.

Uisce Éireann comment

A spokesperson for Uisce Éireann told the Irish Farmers Journal that the body was made aware of a discharge from an outfall pipe at Ballinagh wastewater treatment plant into the Ballinagh River on 19 July 2022.

“Uisce Éireann immediately co-operated with Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI), who investigated the matter. The incident impacted a number of fish in the river, including brown trout, minnow and stickleback.

“Uisce Éireann regrets the incident and has implemented a number of measures to prevent this incident re-occurring. It is acknowledged that long-term investment in the Ballinagh agglomeration is required and, to that end, the Ballinagh Plant is being advanced under the Uisce Éireann Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme,” the spokesperson said.

Uisce Éireann is responsible for delivering public drinking water and wastewater services for the people of Ireland.