For as long as I can remember, I have been singing the praises of our Irish grass-fed beef. We have always been proud to serve it in the restaurant and I firmly believe it is the best beef in the world. So I was delighted to see all the work that farmers, Bord Bia, and the Livestock and Meat Commission have done being rewarded when our Irish grass-fed beef was awarded PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) status by the European Commission recently. This is a fantastic achievement for the whole island and congratulations to the many people who worked hard on this over the years. St Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year. The restaurant is closed and I suspect many of us will be enjoying this beef bourguignon at home. It is a great meal to make ahead in batches and really is the ultimate comfort food. When you cook with wine, I always say, ‘If it’s not good enough to drink, it’s not good enough to cook with’.