The Department of Agriculture has applied for multi-annual capital funding to support the implementation of the National Biomethane Strategy.
The Department told the Irish Farmers Journal that approval of the funding application is pending and it will be additional to the €12m in carbon tax funding which has previously been committed.
Last week, the Irish Farmers Journal reported that €40m has been committed to the anaerobic digestion sector.
So far, €24m has been allocated under the National Development Plan and €12m from carbon tax for the AD sector.However, the Department did not confirm how much funding is being sought. Among the submissions to the National Biomethane Strategy consultation were dairy processors Carbery, Danone, Dairygold, Lakeland Dairies, Tipperary Co-op, Tirlán, and Wyeth Nutrition, under the Renewable Gas Forum of Ireland-led Project Clover.
It has called for capital funding of €3bn and operational support in order to meet the 2030 biomethane targets.